Growing Stronger Together

A Commitment to Driving Businesses Forward

Building the Community Based on New Ideas Focused on Economic Growth

Bridge City Chamber of Commerce is an association of business professionals fusing talents, skills, and expertise to promote and protect the interests of our members — the thriving businesses and citizens of our locale. We are highly impassioned in guiding our community toward the direction of growth and progress, where our main goal is creating a local area abundant with opportunities for success for our own families and that of many others.

Resilience Amidst Any Challenge

At any given point in time, we are aware that there will always be new challenges to face and address. We are united in our effort to strategize creative ways to eradicate our community’s economic hindrances, growing stronger together in our journey toward meeting our goals. Our success is in seeing the fruits of our labor flourish, improving the lives of every citizen we serve in our locale.

Areas We Serve

We serve the citizens and businesses of Bridge City, Orangefield, and the surrounding areas in Texas.

Got Questions?

Let us know how we can better improve our locale by raising your inquiries and concerns to our responsive staff.